Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Where do they learn this stuff?

Keaton is attacking the bathroom (in other words, he's into everything he's NOT supposed to be). Rya sees him with the toilet brush and says, "Look Mama...Brother has the Swiffer Sweeper!" Aside from the fact that it was NOT a Swiffer Sweeper...where did she even pick up the term??

On another note...diet is showing slow signs of payoff. 2.5 lbs down since Thursday. Willpower, don't leave me now!

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Already cheating...

Ok - so Saturday morning I woke up with a terrible headache. Probably from the lack of caffeine and food in general. Needless to say, I cheated and had a cup of coffee (the coffee itself is allowed, but the 2% milk and tsp of sugar I used was not). All was going fairly well by lunch time...until I tried 2 different lunches that both turned out to be INEDIBLE! Blech! I modified a third to make it work. Party last night...since I had barely had lunch and skipped the snack, I splurged a little bit on some chips and dip and a caffeine free root beer.

Here we are at Sunday and I've had TWO cups of coffee to battle another headache. Yeah, just call me Miss Willpower...geesh!

On the Mama front...both kids are alive and well. That speaks alot to my abilities considering I'm in diet mode ;)

Friday, August 27, 2010

Day Two...

Day Two – Battle of the Bulge complete. I’m going to let you all in on my diabolical plan…eat crappy, pre-packaged food, work out when the opportunity presents itself and lose weight. Ok, so maybe not that drastic, but pretty close.

Actually, I’ve hopped on the Nutrisystem band wagon. Received my “food” Wednesday and started the official diet yesterday. I’ll admit to being COMPLETELY surprised by the food – I was expecting something along the lines of Lean Cuisine. Nope – not even close. Think……DEHYDRATED…..as in astronaut food. Of the meals I’ve had so far, most are pretty bland…as I suppose most “diet” food is. I will say that I have not been starving – I’m actually pretty full most of the day.

AND…the BIGGEST SHOCKER…end of day two and I’m down 1.5 pounds (almost 2). But it’s the weekend folks and let’s hope that my willpower is strong enough to resist temptation!!!!

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Battle of the Bulge - Day 1

First official day of the new diet. If I can stick to this whole deal, it will be a small miracle! Stay tuned...

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

In other news...

We’re driving to school (aka daycare) this morning and Rya’s singing “The bear went over the mountain”. About 4 or 5 verses in, she stops and says…”I’m kinda tired of this! I like to sing, but c’mon!” She’s SOOOO my daughter :)

In other news…I’ve started STEP 1 of my “Battle of the Bulge” today. I guess – technically - step 1 was completed yesterday when I purchased my fitness ball, but that’s neither here nor there. I’m hoping to have steps 3-5 in the works by the end of the week. Ultimate goal: lose 30 pounds as quickly as possible. Wish me luck – I’m going to need it. These post-baby pounds aren’t going to let go easily…

Saturday, August 21, 2010

To be or not to be...

"Of all the rights of women, the greatest is to be a mother." -- Lin Yutang

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Diggity Dog...

A fairly quiet day in my world. I'm sure it's just the calm before the storm.

But no day is complete without a witty comment from my daughter...

Rya: "Mother, look...I taught brother new tricks!"

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

He did WHAT?

When it comes to food, nothing is off limits as far as my son is concerned. This includes a half eaten muffin that my daughter had thrown in the garbage can moments before {yes, she got the "starving kids around the world" talk}. I hear the garbage can lid slam as I'm pouring my coffee and I turn around. I see him...discarded muffin being shoveled into his mouth!

Ewwwww is right!!

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

And it's only 8am!

It was really just a typical morning...at least for us:


Rya: "K-K-K-K...Mama, COLD starts with K"
Me: "Actually honey, COLD starts with C"
Rya: "But...K-K-K...see, it starts with K"

This went on for another few seconds before she got frustrated and stomped off into the bathroom. I tried to explain that while C and K sound alike, the word COLD actually starts with a C. We had the same conversation when she said ONE started with a W. Oy vey...the English language is hard enough, but try explaining it to a 3 year old!


A quick introduction to my son Keaton - he is 15 months old and a little monster. He has an endless supply of energy and is completely fearless. But he has his sweet moments too...

Rya: "Mama (**CRYING**)...Keaton bit me!"
Keaton: "UH UH...(**looks at me and shakes his head**)"
Me: "Keaton, no biting!"
Keaton: (**Walks up to sister and gives her a big hug while patting her on the back**)


Rya: "Mama, my foot is getting married."
Me: "Oh yeah?! To whom?"
Rya: "My flip flop."

And to think...I hadn't even had my coffee yet :)

Monday, August 16, 2010

Just another day...

An introduction to my daughter Rya. She's 3 going on 30. I'm pretty sure that she rules the house - even though the hubby and I think we do. She's beautiful and incredibly bright. Which in my world means lots of laughs over some of the stuff that leaves her mouth.

The conversation started like this on the ride home today...

Rya: "Mother, I want a pet in my room."
Me: "A pet? What kind of pet?"
Rya: "A hamster or guinea pig..."
Me: "Rya, I don't think you're old enough to take care of a pet all by yourself yet."
Rya: "But I can get tissue paper and help it poop!"

So - in a matter of seconds we went from a conversation about pets...to poop. Ahhh...gotta love 3 year olds.

Sunday, August 15, 2010

And the chaos begins...

Well hello there! I'll make this brief since I know how precious those few seconds of quiet can be...I'm here to tell my tale of Mommyhood - a tale of a 30 yr old, working mother of two beautiful (but brutally draining) kids, who strives to keep it all in check - including the hubby, the kids, the job, the dogs, the house, the family, the friends...

And look at that...our time is up. Now go pull your own little monster out of the garbage can while I explain to my daughter that I really AM the boss around here.

Yeah, not very convincing, right? ***SIGHS*** Stay tuned...