Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Holy Ass Kicking!

Boot Camp Babes...end of week TWO. Shoulder has finally started to feel better. Now my shins and ankles hurt. I'm fairly certain that this is a sign I'm getting old.......or maybe just that I wore new work out shoes on Monday night and they did not agree with my muscles. Either way, I'll take it easy this weekend and hope everything feels better next week.

Aside from the killer ASS KICKING I'm receiving from Cherith every week (love you Cherith...have a FABULOUS week off)...I'm also getting out and meeting other new Mama's - which is an awesome side benefit. I'm definitely not the fittest one in the bunch (and yes, fittest is a word...I googled it and found "fittest man in the world" there), but I hold my own pretty well - which was one of my biggest concerns when I started. Considering I've had 2 kids via c-section and haven't worked out in years, I'm pretty proud of myself. So...who's ready to join up for the next session with me?? Any takers?? (Mel...please move here so I can have a work out buddy....pretty pretty please?!?!?!)

To date I have lost a whopping TWO POUNDS :( Why the sad face you ask? Because we're currently having a Biggest Loser type contest at work...and while everyone keeps telling me I look thinner, I'm not seeing it on the scale. Which probably means I'm gaining muscle...or some crap like that. Figures!

There you have it folks. I've stuck with it...made it through 2 whole weeks and am still enjoying it. Shocking, I know. The most shocking thing I've realized in the last two weeks?? The kids make it to bed without me just fine. Hmmm...guess the whole world still turns even if Mama isn't here.

.......Catch that little lesson I threw in there ladies? If not, message me and we'll chat :) Night all! Oh, and Happy St. Patrick's Day!

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

What?! I'm a Babe?

Boot Camp Babe that is :)

For those of you tuning in, tonight was my second night of Boot Camp Babes ( I'm LOVING it. It ain't easy - trust me. Cherith worked my butt off...quite literally ;) I've been home a whole 30 minutes and I'm already sore - which does NOT bode well for tomorrow. Oh - and my shoulder is still on strike. Negotiations will resume tomorrow morning.

To bring you all up to speed - right now, I'm sitting somewhere around 144.5 pounds. Goal is to lose 20 pounds - stretch goal is to lose 30 pounds. I might post the pre-measurements taken on Monday...we'll see. Gotta work up the courage for that one. On top of the work outs, I'm watching what I'm eating and drinking lots of water. But making sure that what I'm doing fits with my lifestyle...which I've found to be VERY important. I'll update the blog regularly on my progress...and to maybe recruit some of you locals to join me...consider yourselves warned!!

I know this is short...especially considering my last blog post was in December. (Yes, yes...I know...I suck) BUT...Mama's tired and needs to get some rest. So stay tuned friends. It's going to be a long and bumpy ride...

Mama Mack's Thought of the Day:

I joined Boot Camp Babes to lose weight. That's the obvious benefit. The other will sound strange to most of you...but it is what it is. This is ME time. Kelly time. Time where I only have to worry about myself. You Mama's out there know EXACTLY how rare that time can be. BUT...we often lose sight of just how important it is. How important it is to TAKE CARE OF OURSELVES - both MENTALLY and PHYSICALLY. So...I leave you with this...take a second for YOU. Doesn't matter what, where, or how. Designate some time each day for YOU. Feel like sharing your You away. I'm always up for new ideas, and I'm sure everyone else is too.

Until next time friends...this Babe is off to catch some Zzzz's ;)