Tuesday, June 7, 2011

SuperWoman by definition

su·per·wom·an (so͞oˈpər-wo͝omˌən) - noun
A woman who successfully performs all the duties typically associated with several different full-time roles, such as wage earner, graduate student, mother, and wife.

How many of us fit this definition? We try to be everything to everyone. Most of the time we're successful. But there are dangers that every Superwoman should be aware of. Things like learning how to say no when you've spread yourself too thin, or understanding that part of being a true Superwoman means learning to make YOU a priority in order to avoid burn out.

I need to remember - as much as anybody - that the most important part of being a Superwoman is knowing that you're also human. The term Superwoman does not mean you're perfect. It means you understand your imperfections and can compensate for them.

There are few people in this world that I would say truly understand me. But there are a couple of smart, independent women who have become my most staunch supporters. Doesn't mean they know everything about me - just means that when I say I'm struggling, they understand why and they offer up their hearts and their minds to help me work through it. Doesn't matter that they're both going through their own life changing situations right now. That - by definition - makes them SUPERWOMEN.

It's you girls that I send my most heartfelt gratitude and love out to tonight. You're my favorite Superwomen!!

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Where's my cape?

It's been one of those days. You know, the ones where nothing seems to go right. Where Life is sitting back laughing as you maneuver through the obstacles - not quite successfully.

I have this brilliant friend - we always talk about how we're going to take over the world someday {hey - everyone needs a pipe dream, right?!}. The first post on her new blog solidifies our SUPERWOMEN status and has answered a question that I didn't even know I was asking:

"Today I understand that when I think my mind and my heart are disconnected, it's fear that's coming between the two." ~ KT

It's so simple, yet so true. Of course - now that I'm aware of this little tidbit - Fear doesn't stand a chance. It's OK to be afraid. It's OK to be unsure. We will never have all of the answers - and that's OK too. There's joy to be found in the unknown.

So - to you all of you SUPERWOMEN out there - go kick Fear in the you-know-what, take a deep breath, and let your heart and mind have a well deserved vacation before it's time to get back to dealing with that little bastard known as Life. You'll be so glad you did!