LOVE: A shiny new faucet - with pull out sprayer and included soap dispenser.
HATE: Spending money on a faucet when we had NOT been planning on it.
The joys of being an adult I suppose. Got home last night, started washing dishes (which was probably my first mistake) when all of a sudden water started spraying everywhere. Broken seal apparently. The guys went to the HD to get a new one, got it installed and there it sits looking beautiful.
Hmm...I guess it kind of makes the sink look dingy. But alas, my powers of persuasion were not strong enough to convince the hubby that we needed a new sink to match. My chances of the sink malfunctioning are slim to none, so I guess I'm stuck with it.
RANDOM SERVICE ANNOUNCEMENT - ATTENTION DAYCARE PROVIDERS: There are these things called "cubbies". Each one is labeled with a child's name. It would be FABULOUS if you could actually put each child's jacket in the corresponding cubbie so I don't have to spend 15-20 minutes searching, only to find Rya's in Riley's cubbie and Keaton's in an unmarked cubbie in another room. Thanks. This concludes today's Random Service Announcement.
Hair Appointment in t-minus 3.5 hours. Ahhhh...ready for the frump to be gone and the va-va-voom to liven my look up a little. Pics to follow...
Happy Saturday everyone!
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