Why is it that I always want to start a blog with ‘Life has been hectic’? I mean, it definitely has been, but couldn’t I type something a little more…dynamic? Something more like: ‘This whirlwind I call life has been interesting these last few months.’ Or maybe even ‘Life…the hectic frontier’….whoa – way too Star Trek! Or maybe it's because I have this hidden guilt for not posting a blog in forever. I know, forever is a bit dramatic, but that's where the guilt part comes in. Ya know, they’re right…less is more…
Busy. That one word has defined the last few months. Working, kids, hubby, holidays, etc. etc. Just seems like there are never enough hours in the day. Can you believe Thanksgiving is one week from today??? I mean, Christmas is practically TOMORROW! As we enter the busiest Holiday Season I can remember, I thought I should take a few minutes and update you all on my wonderfully imperfect children (I say it like that because – to be quite honest – I’m tired of everyone pretending like they have these perfect little lives/families. Mine’s not. Never has been. BUT…it’s mine and I kinda like it that way). Sorry, I got side tracked. Seems to be the order of business today!
So, first up – Rya Faith. She is going to be four in three months. Yes, FOUR! I warn other Mommy’s all the time about enjoying every second because the time goes too fast. This is the PERFECT example. My first born…our own little miracle…has been in our lives for almost four whole years now. I wouldn’t change a single second. I just wish it wouldn’t all pass by so stinkin fast. This past week I had a “parent/teacher conference” with her preschool teacher. Apparently they had given the students in the 4’s class (side note: she’s been in the 4’s class for the last 4-5 months or so…and remember, she’s not 4 until the end of Feb) anyways…the class was given a Pre-K readiness and a Kindergarten readiness test. She passed both with flying colors. Yeah, she’s a smarty pants. The teacher even commented that she can count to 26 – which apparently few kids in the class can do (UPDATE: I heard her count to 39 last night before she said "30-11" because she couldn't remember 40). There are still some social development things we need to work on…the bossiness, the not listening, and the temper she has all of a sudden, but I’m told those are all typical for the age and that when she finally does turn 4 it will be like someone flipped a switch and she’ll be “normal” again. (Another side note for you Mama’s out there – you always hear about the Terrible Two’s. Don’t believe them. It should really be called the TERRIBLE THREE’s! You’ve been warned). That’s where the “imperfect” part comes in. In the last few months she’s been a bossy, yelling one moment – crying the next, little girl who seems to think that SHE runs this family. It’s hard getting her to eat because she plays with her silverware…and her cup…and anything else that may be sitting in front of her. After bath she runs around like a wild woman and we fight to get her to listen. Usually the “I’m going to throw your Halloween candy away” does the trick, but I think she’s on to us already with that one. And sadly yes, we still have Halloween candy. Probably because they only get a piece a day and that’s if they’re good. Let’s see…what else. Her current favorite saying: “Oh my gosh Mom! That is so stinkin cute!” Yeah, she’s totally my daughter. May look like Daddy, but the attitude is all me (hence me not being surprised by the bossiness). I love you baby girl…bossiness and all!
On to Little Man - aka Keaton. The child who NEVER sits still. You may think I’m joking. I’m not. He is on-the-go nonstop. He climbs, he runs, he jumps, and he pushes. He even hit a little girl in the face with a handful of sand while we were at the zoo (luckily she had 2 older brothers at home so Mom wasn’t mad). He’s a little monster…but I love him. We had his 18 month check up on Tuesday. He is 26lbs (50%), 33.75inches (90%), with a head circumference of 19 (50%). He’s right on track with where he should be developmentally. We’re in full blown ‘No’ mode. He even does the hand motions (points the ‘mom’ finger and says No, No, No). He can say Mama, Dada, Rya (his favorite word), thank you, puppy, done, poopoo, Melmo (for Elmo), sit, and a few others. Most aren’t crystal clear – but I understand him. He also knows the signs for please, more, eat, and help. He can point to his nose, eyes, ears, mouth, tongue, teeth, belly button, fingers, toes and holds up his hands and feet. You know those really heavy doors they have in schools – the ones with the glass and push down handles - he can get those open and break free. Yes, this has happened at school. Even at home actually…walked right out the front door. Needless to say we now keep it locked at all times. We haven’t done much with the potty yet, though I’m thinking it’s about time to at least introduce it. He tells you ‘poopoo’ after he’s gone and is much more aware of when he’s going pee. Ugh…I’m really not looking forward to potty training again. I keep trying to convince Roy this one’s on him. I mean, how could I possibly teach the boy about how to keep the pee in the toilet and not all over everything else? He’s purposely ignoring me I’m sure.
And that folks – is life at the McCormack household. It’s crazy, it’s insane…but honestly, I don’t have time to worry about it. I’m just another busy Mother who loves her family and is blessed with a few great friends who make up for all of the others. Thank you (you know who you are). I think you’ve saved me – if only mentally. Find that cure for my exhaustion and I’ll be devoted to you for life.
My new vow – to do this more often. I mean, if I blogged more, maybe then they wouldn’t turn out so haphazard. Hmmm…no, they still would. I’ve got a bazillion thoughts running through this mind at any given point in time. So what if it flies off my fingers and splats into a bunch of words that have random breaks and thoughts. You know you like it…that’s why you read it. So stay tuned world…I’m making a blog comeback!
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